Tuesday, June 29, 2010

"Looking for Alaska", John Green--Thoughts

This book is something of a tearjerker, be warned. Telling you why would constitute a major spoiler, but I will say that it involves Alaska Young, the centerpiece of this novel. The tearjerker-spoiler occurs in the middle of the book, which, along with creating an unusual story flow, precludes any sort of spoiler-free rumination on the plot.

Which is actually pretty annoying, as I want to discuss it, but this is one book that shouldn't be spoiled for anyone. :/


Alaska is one of those fascinating people whom one seldom runs into in real life. She is attractive, flighty, loyal, brilliant, idiotic, courageous, cowardly, and, most of all, completely and utterly unknowable. Not a single character understands what's going on in her head. The book describes her impact on a small group friends at a boarding school, as narrated by "Pudge", a newcomer to the group.

Bear in mind, that's a rough description. A distinguishing characteristic of John Green novels is the inability of the reader to determine one main theme. There are often several instead, which is one reason I like John Green so much.

There is a certain amount of sexual content and great deal of smoking, drinking, and cussing in this book, which caused certain (very silly) groups and organizations to raise something of an outcry.

"The book has never been marketed to 12-year-olds. Never. It is packaged like an adult book; it doesn't even say it's published by a kids' book imprint on the cover, and it's never shelved in the children's section of bookstores."

That was the author's response, and he's totally right. However, everyone over the age of 14 should read this book. No questions asked. It's just that good.

The author has acknowledged that certain parts of the novel derive from his days at boarding school, and the wikipedia article implies that the book is largely autobiographical. This has not been directly confirmed by the author, however.

It is also worth mentioning that John Green is one of the two Vlog Brothers and thus cofounder of the Nerdfighters, an organization dedicated to reducing the amount of suck and increasing the amount of awesome in the world.

Green's personal website contains FAQs and summaries for all his books.

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